Do you feel that you have not been properly advised during your college degree? Are you at the end of the road and your advisor springs new classes on you but, you have already set plans for expected graduation? If you said no to any of my questions I feel your pain. As a education major we have certain classes that are only offered in the spring and the fall or maybe never offered. Only to find out we have to substitute the class for another. Or maybe you have saved all you basic classes for you last semester before student teaching or the summer. Only to be told they don't offer the class. Well if you didn't know about this semester let me enlighten you to what I found out. Recently, while I prepared myself to register for my last 8 hours for summer school I was astonished when i found out they weren't offering them at all. So after evaluating what they are offering they are offering more graduate classes than undergraduate. Which doesn't make sense or is fair. There excuse was because graduate students pay to go to school in summer because they are teachers and that is their break and best availability. Which is completely unfair, from the students eyes that go here everyday and are productive and proactive and are trying to graduate on time this only sets us back. If your going to cater to one group of students you need to cater to them all. Not whats going to benefit you best, this is why some do not graduate at all or on time because the process is very discouraging.
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That does stink. I know in my own department, we used to only offer speech but now have 2 summer classes for Communication majors. We offer 1 summer class for English (3043, actually), but there are only 40-50 English majors total.
ReplyDeleteAre you getting substitutions for what you need so you can student teach in the fall?
Graduate students are money makers at most universities. They may teach lower-level classes for a few thousand dollars--saving $40K on a full-time instructor--and tuition definitely is much higher on graduate classes.
I agree 100%, I have not been advised correctly which results in me taking summer school. Even though I am taking summer school, i have jus found out some classes are not ever offered in which i have to a lot of substitutions.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Ms. Murphy. I feel as though I have not been properly advised. I know that for me personally I was instructed to take an entire semester and a half worth of classes that I did not need at all. It was not until my current roommate pointed this error out to me that I recognized it. Of course I know I should have looked at the degree plan after seeing my advisor, but I chose to believe her when she said I needed specific courses and not others that were brought into question. This system can be cruel, and maybe with enough activity and petitioning from us, the students, a change will come.