Sunday, April 28, 2013


Do you agree with how many graduations we have at our school. It is very common at many of the other HBCU's and Universities that they have one graduation a year. Can you believe that? Do you think we have too many compared to other schools. We have 3 graduations total every year spring, summer and fall. I like to think of it as a blessing. Could you imagine that if you didn't pass a class in the spring semester having to wait a whole year before eligible to walk across the stage ? Or even if we had one graduation in may that means the time period and the space that we have wouldn't be enough. I love the way we have many graduations here it gives everyone a chance to catch up if they slip or if they need extra at the last minute. What do you think ?


  1. My undergrad only had one graduation per year: spring. If you graduated early, you had to come back to campus to walk. If you had one class to go, you had to wait the full year. It was a pretty big incentive to get done, I guess?

  2. I have been to graduations at big universities (like 1000's of people walking) and all of the colleges did them literally took four hours. For that, I am glad Prairie View splits them up!

  3. I would like to think of this as a blessing as well! There would not be too many happy campers if they were to either not pass a class like you said or even miss when it was being offered. It also helps to make the ceremonies not so long.
