Monday, March 25, 2013

Cultural diversity in the classroom

In the past month I have gone on several interviews for positions with children. And on almost all of my interviews they have asked questions based on cultural diversity. You never know how important this factor is until it is your child or your family member not being able to connect. Diversity is super important in every-job. Children will play with anything wether it is a person animal or even an alien. As a child children don't see colors or stereotypes. it is the parents that see these type of things. children will here about a race of people and go along with it because their parents believe it. Not to say that the parent is wrong but I don't completely agree with parents being one sided. Living in todays society their will never be a classroom full of one race of people when diversity is not needed. For instance even if that rare situation does occur their teacher could be of a different race. How would parents handle that or even students would they make fun of the teacher who is the leader of the classroom because that is what is being taught in there house. Will they be open minded to learn from their teacher because they are intrigued? If a child is taught early of different cultures and races dealing with people there should not be a problem in the future. Right is always right and wrong is ALWAYS wrong.

A article on diversity 


  1. Given how diverse the Houston area is, I'm glad to hear so many childcare/teaching positions are tuned into cultural issues.

  2. Yes I completely agree! No matter where we will be teaching in the future, it will always be diverse. As a future educator we have to know how to deal with situations of student's being stereotypical just because that is what they learned from their parents at home.
