Monday, March 25, 2013

Cultural diversity in the classroom

In the past month I have gone on several interviews for positions with children. And on almost all of my interviews they have asked questions based on cultural diversity. You never know how important this factor is until it is your child or your family member not being able to connect. Diversity is super important in every-job. Children will play with anything wether it is a person animal or even an alien. As a child children don't see colors or stereotypes. it is the parents that see these type of things. children will here about a race of people and go along with it because their parents believe it. Not to say that the parent is wrong but I don't completely agree with parents being one sided. Living in todays society their will never be a classroom full of one race of people when diversity is not needed. For instance even if that rare situation does occur their teacher could be of a different race. How would parents handle that or even students would they make fun of the teacher who is the leader of the classroom because that is what is being taught in there house. Will they be open minded to learn from their teacher because they are intrigued? If a child is taught early of different cultures and races dealing with people there should not be a problem in the future. Right is always right and wrong is ALWAYS wrong.

A article on diversity 

The Importance of the parent/teacher relationship

In class we are literally bombarded with why we should communicate so much with the students parent. When first introduced to the idea I had to completely agree. Because if you have any type of relationship with the parent you as a teacher are more on top of your game to say the least. Parents want to feel involved with what is going on in the classroom. if you think about it from ages five to eighteen students spend majority of their life with some type of educator. Wouldn't you want your child in the best hands if possible. So I would want to know everything about the school, principal, and teacher. On occasions if you don't have a ready-built relationship with your parents you might come across hard situations. Regarding behavior problems if the teacher relays to the parent how her classroom is ran there should be no question of children actions. Sometimes you have the parent that always agrees with the child asking from proof of their child's actions. I believe that if you know your parent and your student this will not come to be a problem.

An article that speaks on how parents vs. teachers in the class room. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Profesional Dress

Professional dress is very important in the teacher world or rather any profession at hand. There are definitely things that shouldn't be worn at work because of the setting. Especially when you wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression of you. Lets face it as human beings we can be very judgmental knowingly or not. To avoid these issues you carry yourself in a manner where you don't give others a opportunity to even go there. Of course we will all have spirit days (Jeans and school shirt) but that is not everyday wear. You as a teacher are to set an example with your students. If you dress professionally they will hold you with a certain respect. But if you wear t-shirt and jeans constantly they will feel more laid back not taking you serious. More on a level of treating you like one of their friends. When you don't dress professional you aren't setting a boundary or showing a difference between student and teacher.

Here is a article about gaining the respect of students, from professional dress.