Friday, February 15, 2013

What type of teacher are you?

Today, I taught a lesson based on place value for a second grade class. At the end of my lesson, my teacher did a praise report on my presentation. She compared the two presenters which was myself and another classmate. When she reviewed my actions, she gave great feedback on the way that I handled the class. She said "She came in immediately got to the point while keeping the students attention". In my eyes it is very important to maintain classroom management. Not because you want to be mean but, when you set the standards things run smoother. It is your job as a teacher to make the environment a learning environment. I always say, "when you start off strict you will never forget".

Find out what style of teaching best fit you !


  1. I think some people confuse authoritative and authoritarian...

    1. i totally agree! if teachers were properly educated on the subject, they would have a better understanding.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with everything you said. If you don't grab their attention at the start, you will have a long year!!! Great article!
