Friday, February 22, 2013

Electronics in the Classroom

How many times do we have to discuss "Electronics in the Classroom.”? It seems like it is always up for debate in my classes.  Personally in today’s age, time and advancement in technology, I 100% believe they should be incorporated. There are plenty of educational tools available on different devices rather its an iPad, computer, etc. Teacher of the "old-school" shouldn't always think negative about new things. As a teacher anything brought to the table can be integrated in the classroom positively. You have to be creative as a teacher old school and new school. When teachers get stuck in a certain way of teaching the child often gets lost. This sometimes causes the child to pull out their electronics. Which should be a light bulb in your head. INCORPORATE TECHNOLOGY.

P.S.  If your worried about discipline remember this is why you as a teacher have rules consequences in place! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

What type of teacher are you?

Today, I taught a lesson based on place value for a second grade class. At the end of my lesson, my teacher did a praise report on my presentation. She compared the two presenters which was myself and another classmate. When she reviewed my actions, she gave great feedback on the way that I handled the class. She said "She came in immediately got to the point while keeping the students attention". In my eyes it is very important to maintain classroom management. Not because you want to be mean but, when you set the standards things run smoother. It is your job as a teacher to make the environment a learning environment. I always say, "when you start off strict you will never forget".

Find out what style of teaching best fit you !

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Professional Goals !

I am currently a senior at Prairie View A&M University studying interdisciplinary studies, with a concentration in early childhood education thru sixth grade. As of today, my professional goals are to become a certified Texas teacher upon graduation. I hope to one day in the near future teach a happy class of 1st grade students. Helping each and every student reach their goals just as my teachers have taught myself. Choosing the right college was the first big decision I made keeping my goals in mind. 

Find out for yourself how great of a school Prairie View A&M University  is!